July 9, 2024

Your Guide to Wandering Middle-earth

Your Guide to Wandering Middle-earth

“I will take the Ring, though I do not know the way.”

—Frodo | Fellowship of the Ring | The Council of Elrond

“Not all those who wander are lost.”

—Gandalf | Fellowship of the Ring | Strider


Mae g'ovannen! (Welcome!)

From one Middle-earth wanderer to another, I welcome you to Lore of the Rings. Here, you and I wander the world and works of JRR Tolkien through podcast, social media, and the written word.

Only seen the films, or maybe Rings of Power, and ready to dive into the books? Let’s wander together.

Read the books, but it’s been a while and you need a refresher? Let’s wander together.

Attempted to read The Silmarillion, but it got too dense and lacked your favorite hobbits? Let’s wander together.

You’re an expert adventurer and you’ve read all the History of Middle-earth? Please, let me wander with you!

At Lore of the Rings, I respectfully and reverently breakdown Tolkien’s works, helping you to dive deeper into the lore and history and make stronger connections with these fantastic stories. 

More than that though, I hope that you will become deeply enchanted with the world that Tolkien gave us. I hope that you will find the transcendent truths that Tolkien discovered. I hope that your heart will be touched as mine has been by Tolkien’s words.

I hope that you will wander, and in that wandering, find something deeper in Middle-earth than you thought was there.

Are you ready? This adventure may just change your life. I know that it will, because it’s changed mine.

Now, “where to begin”?

Why the creation of the world, of course. Episode 001: The Beginning of Middle-earth will get you started.

Now, let’s wander!


Lore of the Rings is not affiliated with the Tolkien estate or Embracer Group. Any reference to trademarks or registered trademarks is solely for descriptive purposes and does not imply any association with the trademark owner.