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Wander Middle-earth with Past Episodes

Feb. 3, 2022

008: Meanwhile, in Middle-earth

"Of the Sindar" from The Silmarillion
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Lore of the Rings
Jan. 27, 2022

007: Leaving Valinor Part 2

The Kinslaying, The Doom of the Noldor, and Treachery
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Lore of the Rings
Jan. 20, 2022

006: Leaving Valinor Part 1

In this episode of the Beginner’s Guide, I will share: What was Feanor’s fateful choice regarding the Two Trees? Where did Melkor escape to after killing the trees? What happened to Ungoliant? How was the unrest of the Noldo…
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Lore of the Rings
Jan. 13, 2022

005: Death and Darkness

In this episode of the Beginner’s Guide, I will share: What are the Silmarils? What lies did Melkor spread? What was the unrest of the Noldor? How did the Two Trees come to an end? Exclusive discounts for you : https://www.r…
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Lore of the Rings
Jan. 6, 2022

004: The Elves in Valinor

In this episode: How were the Elves organized once they reached Valinor? Who was Finwe and his son Fëanor? What happened after Melkor’s sentence ended? Support the show with a wafer of lembas:…
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Lore of the Rings
Dec. 30, 2021

003: Where Elves Come From

In this episode, we’ll answer these questions: Where did the the Elves come from? Where did Orcs come from? Why did the Valar finally subdue Melkor? What was the summons of the Valar to the Elves? How were the houses of the …
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Lore of the Rings
Dec. 23, 2021

002: Light and Life: The Two Trees of Valinor; of Elves, Men, Dwarves, Ents, and Eagles

In this episode, we’ll answer these questions: How did Middle Earth have light? What was Melkor’s first attack What are The Two Trees of Valinor? Why and how are Elves and Men different? Where did Dwarves come from? Who crea…
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Lore of the Rings
Dec. 19, 2021

001: The Beginning of Middle Earth

The beginning of JRR Tolkien's epic mythology, the creation story as outline in Tolkien's "The Silmarillion." In this episode, we will discuss: Where did all these stories come from? How was Middle-earth created? What are th…
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Lore of the Rings
Nov. 24, 2021

Introducing the Lore of the Rings | Wander the World of JRR Tolkien

Mae g'ovannen! (Welcome!) The Lore of the Rings podcast is an introduction to Tolkien's mythology and the stories that are foundational to the Lord of the Rings. This show is for you if you've only seen the movies, or maybe …
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Lore of the Rings